Apliaksi Barcode VB.NET
Langsung saja pembuatannya, silahkan buka visual studio 2010, 2012 atau 2013 dan 2015 kamu dan buatlah project baru dengan nama "AplikasiBarcode". serta desainlah tampilan aplikasinya seperti tampilan dibawah ini :Penjelasan :
Component dalam pembuatan aplikasi diatas adalah : GroupBox, PictureBox, Button, dan TextBox serta label,
Membuat Functions Barcode VB.NET
buatlah sebuah modeule baru dengan nama "MdlBarcode.Vb" dan ikuti langkahberikut.Membuat Functions :
Private Function Barcode1(ByVal _Berikut Sub COde untuk menampilkan barcode :
strBarcode As String) As String
Dim _iNt As Integer
Dim _StrBil As String
Dim _StrEx As String
Dim _StrCode As String
strBarcode = Trim(strBarcode)
_StrBil = strBarcode
If (_StrBil.Length <> 13) And _
(_StrBil.Length <> 8) Then
Err.Raise(5, "EAN2Bin", "Invalid EAN Code")
End If
For _iNt = 0 To strBarcode.Length - 1
Select Case (_StrBil.Chars(_iNt).ToString)
Case Is < "0", Is > "9"
Err.Raise(5, "EAN2Bin", _
"Invalid char on EAN Code")
End Select
If (_StrBil.Length = 13) Then
_StrBil = Mid(_StrBil, 2)
Select Case CInt(Left(strBarcode, 1))
Case 0
_StrCode = "000000"
Case 1
_StrCode = "001011"
Case 2
_StrCode = "001101"
Case 3
_StrCode = "001110"
Case 4
_StrCode = "010011"
Case 5
_StrCode = "011001"
Case 6
_StrCode = "011100"
Case 7
_StrCode = "010101"
Case 8
_StrCode = "010110"
Case 9
_StrCode = "011010"
End Select
_StrCode = "0000"
End If
_StrEx = "000101"
For _iNt = 1 To Len(_StrBil) \ 2
Select Case CInt(Mid(_StrBil, _iNt, 1))
Case 0
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0001101", "0100111")
Case 1
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0011001", "0110011")
Case 2
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0010011", "0011011")
Case 3
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0111101", "0100001")
Case 4
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0100011", "0011101")
Case 5
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0110001", "0111001")
Case 6
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0101111", "0000101")
Case 7
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0111011", "0010001")
Case 8
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0110111", "0001001")
Case 9
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0001011", "0010111")
End Select
Next _iNt
_StrEx &= "01010"
For _iNt = Len(_StrBil) \ 2 + 1 To Len(_StrBil)
Select Case CInt(Mid(_StrBil, _iNt, 1))
Case 0
_StrEx &= "1110010"
Case 1
_StrEx &= "1100110"
Case 2
_StrEx &= "1101100"
Case 3
_StrEx &= "1000010"
Case 4
_StrEx &= "1011100"
Case 5
_StrEx &= "1001110"
Case 6
_StrEx &= "1010000"
Case 7
_StrEx &= "1000100"
Case 8
_StrEx &= "1001000"
Case 9
_StrEx &= "1110100"
End Select
Next _iNt
_StrEx &= "101000"
Barcode1 = _StrEx
End Function
Public Sub PrintBarcode2(ByVal _Untuk code Module Barcode selengkapnya :
_StrbarCode2 As String, _
ByVal Gambar As PictureBox, _
Optional ByVal _x1 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _y1 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _x2 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _y2 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _f As Font = Nothing)
Dim _a As Single
Dim _posX As Single
Dim _posY As Single
Dim _sX As Single
Dim _StrCode As String
Dim _StrFormat As New StringFormat()
_StrCode = Barcode1(_StrbarCode2)
If (_f Is Nothing) Then
_f = New Font("Courier New", 10)
End If
If _x1 = (-1) Then _x1 = 0
If _y1 = (-1) Then _y1 = 0
If _x2 = (-1) Then _x2 = Gambar.Width
If _y2 = (-1) Then _y2 = Gambar.Height
_posX = _x1
_posY = _y2 - CSng(1.5 * _f.Height)
Gambar.CreateGraphics.FillRectangle(New _
System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Gambar.BackColor), _
_x1, _y1, _x2 - _x1, _y2 - _y1)
_sX = (_x2 - _x1) / _StrCode.Length
For _a = 1 To Len(_StrCode)
If Mid(_StrCode, _a, 1) = "1" Then
Gambar.CreateGraphics.FillRectangle(New _
System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Gambar.ForeColor), _
_posX, _y1, _sX, _posY)
End If
_posX = _x1 + (_a * _sX)
Next _a
_StrFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
_StrFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
Gambar.CreateGraphics.DrawString( _
_StrbarCode2, _f, New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Gambar.ForeColor), _
CSng((_x2 - _x1) / 2), CSng(_y2 - _f.Height), _StrFormat)
End Sub
Option Explicit OnSelanjutnya pada button Draw di Form Utama tuliskan code berikut untuk memanggil Functions Barcode :
Imports System.Drawing
Module BarCodeFunctions
Private Function Barcode1(ByVal _
strBarcode As String) As String
Dim _iNt As Integer
Dim _StrBil As String
Dim _StrEx As String
Dim _StrCode As String
strBarcode = Trim(strBarcode)
_StrBil = strBarcode
If (_StrBil.Length <> 13) And _
(_StrBil.Length <> 8) Then
Err.Raise(5, "EAN2Bin", "Invalid EAN Code")
End If
For _iNt = 0 To strBarcode.Length - 1
Select Case (_StrBil.Chars(_iNt).ToString)
Case Is < "0", Is > "9"
Err.Raise(5, "EAN2Bin", _
"Invalid char on EAN Code")
End Select
If (_StrBil.Length = 13) Then
_StrBil = Mid(_StrBil, 2)
Select Case CInt(Left(strBarcode, 1))
Case 0
_StrCode = "000000"
Case 1
_StrCode = "001011"
Case 2
_StrCode = "001101"
Case 3
_StrCode = "001110"
Case 4
_StrCode = "010011"
Case 5
_StrCode = "011001"
Case 6
_StrCode = "011100"
Case 7
_StrCode = "010101"
Case 8
_StrCode = "010110"
Case 9
_StrCode = "011010"
End Select
_StrCode = "0000"
End If
_StrEx = "000101"
For _iNt = 1 To Len(_StrBil) \ 2
Select Case CInt(Mid(_StrBil, _iNt, 1))
Case 0
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0001101", "0100111")
Case 1
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0011001", "0110011")
Case 2
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0010011", "0011011")
Case 3
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0111101", "0100001")
Case 4
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0100011", "0011101")
Case 5
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0110001", "0111001")
Case 6
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0101111", "0000101")
Case 7
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0111011", "0010001")
Case 8
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0110111", "0001001")
Case 9
_StrEx &= IIf(Mid(_StrCode, _iNt, 1) = _
"0", "0001011", "0010111")
End Select
Next _iNt
_StrEx &= "01010"
For _iNt = Len(_StrBil) \ 2 + 1 To Len(_StrBil)
Select Case CInt(Mid(_StrBil, _iNt, 1))
Case 0
_StrEx &= "1110010"
Case 1
_StrEx &= "1100110"
Case 2
_StrEx &= "1101100"
Case 3
_StrEx &= "1000010"
Case 4
_StrEx &= "1011100"
Case 5
_StrEx &= "1001110"
Case 6
_StrEx &= "1010000"
Case 7
_StrEx &= "1000100"
Case 8
_StrEx &= "1001000"
Case 9
_StrEx &= "1110100"
End Select
Next _iNt
_StrEx &= "101000"
Barcode1 = _StrEx
End Function
Public Sub PrintBarcode2(ByVal _
_StrbarCode2 As String, _
ByVal Gambar As PictureBox, _
Optional ByVal _x1 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _y1 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _x2 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _y2 As Single = (-1), _
Optional ByVal _f As Font = Nothing)
Dim _a As Single
Dim _posX As Single
Dim _posY As Single
Dim _sX As Single
Dim _StrCode As String
Dim _StrFormat As New StringFormat()
_StrCode = Barcode1(_StrbarCode2)
If (_f Is Nothing) Then
_f = New Font("Courier New", 10)
End If
If _x1 = (-1) Then _x1 = 0
If _y1 = (-1) Then _y1 = 0
If _x2 = (-1) Then _x2 = Gambar.Width
If _y2 = (-1) Then _y2 = Gambar.Height
_posX = _x1
_posY = _y2 - CSng(1.5 * _f.Height)
Gambar.CreateGraphics.FillRectangle(New _
System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Gambar.BackColor), _
_x1, _y1, _x2 - _x1, _y2 - _y1)
_sX = (_x2 - _x1) / _StrCode.Length
For _a = 1 To Len(_StrCode)
If Mid(_StrCode, _a, 1) = "1" Then
Gambar.CreateGraphics.FillRectangle(New _
System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Gambar.ForeColor), _
_posX, _y1, _sX, _posY)
End If
_posX = _x1 + (_a * _sX)
Next _a
_StrFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
_StrFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
Gambar.CreateGraphics.DrawString( _
_StrbarCode2, _f, New System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Gambar.ForeColor), _
CSng((_x2 - _x1) / 2), CSng(_y2 - _f.Height), _StrFormat)
End Sub
End Module
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender _Silahkan bertanya seputar cara pembuatan aplikasi Barcode ini di kotak komentar, dan jangan lupa dishare jika bermanfaat. terima kasih ;)
As System.Object, ByVal e As _
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Call PrintBarcode2(Me.TextBox1.Text, _
Me.PictureBox1, 10, 10, _
Me.PictureBox1.Width - 20, _
Me.PictureBox1.Height - 20)
MsgBox(Err.Description, _
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, _
End Try
End Sub