How to Create Your Own Blogger Template From Zero to Hero

Here's how to make your Own Blogger Templates quickly and easily for beginners. To make a blogger/blogspot templates we can using Text editor like Notepad++, Visual Code or Live at blogger, You just need to understand about CSS and HTML languages and Java Script too, But don't be sad if you don't for now, i'll tech you for step by step. Just subscribe us to update our new tips everyday for free.

To make a Blogger templates look like a professional designers, Sure it will take our time. For First tutorial how to make a blogger template,I will show you the most basic things should be noted and to building a templates such as the explanation of parts of the blogger templates.

Basics of Blogger Templates Layouts

  1. Outer-wrapper / Container : a place to put all the elements, such as the header, sidebar, footer, content, etc.
  2. Main-wrapper : a place to save the contents of the blog, like the title of one article, the content of the articles, comments, etc.
  3. Sidebar : usually in the contents with the widgets-widgets for established blogs.
  4. Footer : normally the same as the sidebar but its position at the bottom. Like the header located on the bottom of the footer is usually assigned a hyperlink and text copyright information also.
For example of How to build Blogger template with simple design look like this picture :

How to Create Your Own Blogger Template

Some parts of another template that are not visible on the screen of the monitor that is a mandatory part of this HTML is owned by a template or whether it be a Website or Blog or any other template (for blogger platform HTML/XML), if you don't have this part of the template will not work or is not running properly.

Basic HTML Structure

<html> <!-- Open tag for HTML -->
<head> <!-- Open Tag for Head -->
place your CSS or JavaScript here
</head> <!-- Clode tag for Head -->
<body> <!-- Open tag for main Body -->
Place your HTML or your Javascript here
</body> <!-- Clode tag for Body -->
</html> <!-- Clode tag for HTML -->

Following description of the structure above for HTML tags :

HTML : <html></html>

A Blog/Website templates always begins with <html> the opening tag and the closing tag must end </html>
This is the tag between tags or other structures is placed that will create a look of your blog/website.

Head : <head></head>

After <head> usually we placed the tag identifier codes starting from the title tag/title, description, keywords and other identifying tags. This code must be placed between a CSS code that will display a display model or character from the template itself. Before the code tags coverings </head> usually we can added a Javascript code to simply add features use Javascript code.

Body : <body></body>

The body tag is the most important on a Website/Blog template as this will accommodate and display all content of the blog/website itself. In part this tag is still divided into 4 more important structures i.e. the Header, Sidebar, Content and Footer also, above I explain about this structure.

If we are already familiar with the structure of HTML language, sure we will easily to create model templates and modify our blogger templates, but remember that to make a template needed knowledge in CSS and HTML code.

For Next Lessons I'll post about how to make templates for Blogger/Blogspot and build it from scratch, perhaps I need to prepare it in advance because it is so easy to be understood for step by step. What we learn next lesson : How to basic element/patterns, Body and Outer Wrapper, Header, Sidebar Block, Main Wrapper, Post and comment box, Footer, and Refinement.

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